gunan khand example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. She begins to understand that the Greek element in the East may become an important factor of unity and defense of the Empire 2. Since all the correlations between cognitive tests are positive, it must be admitted, according to Burt, the existence of a general factor g 3. The demographic factor is very high 4. The derivatives markets are often seen as an additional factor of financial instability 5. The import, quantity, trade, therefore, constitute a factor

Given are the examples of hindi word gunan khand usage in english sentences. The examples of gunan khand are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., factor.

His theory of intelligence is called Uni or one factor theory of intelligence.

n 1927, Charles Spearman proposed a two-factor theory of intelligence employing a statistical method called factor analysis.
He showed that intelligence consisted of a general factor (g-factor) and some specific factors (s-factors).
Each cell is expected to have at least one factor or ability; some cells may have more than one factor.
Each factor is described in terms of all three dimensions.
ery often, this becomes important factor in the efficient and effective functioning of the organisation.
Leadership is a key factor in making any organisation successful.
Leadership is most important factor in the success of an enterprise.
In the second set are included factor like means and not the end, lack of ability to resolve problems, lack of standardised definitions, lack of universally accepted standard levels, and ratios based on unrelated figureures.
In recent years, there is another factor that has led to the decline of the PDS.
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